Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Project HR Management

This chapter covers key concepts related to Project HR Management.
The knowledge area of Project HR Management consists of the following processes -
HR Management Processes
ProcessProject PhaseKey Deliverables
Develop Human Resource PlanPlanningHuman Resource Plan
Acquire Project TeamExecutionProject Staff assignments
Develop Project TeamExecutionTeam performance assessments
Manage Project TeamExecutionChange requests
Develop Human Resource Plan process involves identifying and documenting project roles and responsibilities. The table below gives the inputs, tools and techniques, and Outputs for the Develop Human Resource Plan process -
Develop Human Resource Plan Process
InputsTools and TechniquesOutputs
Enterprise environmental factorsOrganization charts and
position descriptions
Human resource plan
Organizational process assetsOrganizational Theory 
Activity resource requirementsNetworking 
Acquire project team process involves identifying and obtaining the team necessary to execute the project. The table below gives the inputs, tools and techniques, and Outputs for the Acquire project team process -
Acquire project team process
InputsTools and TechniquesOutputs
Project management planPre-assignmentProject staff assignments
Enterprise environmental factorsNegotiationResource calendars
Organizational process assetsAcquisitionProject management plan updates
 Virtual teams 
Develop project team process involves improving the competencies of the team members and improving teamwork between the team. The table below gives the inputs, tools and techniques, and Outputs for the Develop project team process -
Develop project team process
InputsTools and TechniquesOutputs
Project staff assignmentInterpersonal skillsTeam performance assessments
Project management planTrainingEnterprise environmental factors updates
Resource calendarsTeam-building activities 
 Ground rules 
 Recognition and rewards 
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) defines who does what. The Staffing Management Plandefines when will people get added and removed from the project.
A Project Manager may yield authority over the project team in one of the following ways -
  • Referent - project team knows the PM
  • Formal Power - Power due to Project Managers position
  • Technical Power - Project Manager has strong technical skills in the projects domain.
  • Coercive Power - The project team is afraid of the power the Project Manager holds.
Conflicts in the team are caused due to the following reasons in decreasing order of occurrences.
  • Schedules
  • Project Priorities
  • Resources
  • Technical Opinions
So the most common cause of conflicts in projects are issues related to schedules.
Conflicts are best resolved by those in the team.
There are standard conflict resolution techniques available to resolve conflicts. These are (from best to worst) -
  • Problem Solving or Confrontation (look at the facts, analyze them and find a solution). This is an example of win-win situation.
  • Compromising (Find the middle route). This is an example of loose-loose situation.
  • Withdrawal or Avoidance
  • Smoothing (Emphasize the agreements)
  • Forcing (Do it my way). This is an example of win-loose situation.
The process of problem solving has these steps -
  • Define the cause of the problem
  • Analyze the problem
  • Identify solution
  • Implement a decision
  • Review the decision, and confirm that the problem is solved.
Manage project team process is the process of tracking team member performance and managing issues within the team. The table below gives the inputs, tools and techniques, and Outputs for the Manage project team process -
Manage project team process
InputsTools and TechniquesOutputs
Project staff assignmentsObservation and conversationEnterprise environmental factors updates
Project management planProject performance appraisalsOrganizational process assets updates
Team performance assetsConflict managementChange requests
Performance reportsIssue logProject management plan updates
Organizational process assetsInterpersonal skills 
War room is a technique for team building. As part of this the project team meets in one room. It helps to create a project identity.
Halo Effect is the assumption that because the person is good at a technology, he will be good as a project manager.
There are many organizational theories. Some of the main ones are - Expectancy Theory, McGregory Theory, Herzberg Theory, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
Expectancy Theory - People accept to be rewarded for their efforts. This is a motivation factor. People put in more efforts because they accept to be rewarded for their efforts.
McGregory Theory of X and Y - There are two type of employees. Employees of type X need to be always watched. They cannot be trusted and need to be micro managed. Employees of type Y, on the other hand, are self-motivated. They can work independently.
Herzberg Theory - Hygiene factors (salary, cleanliness etc.) if not present can destroy motivation. However good hygiene alone does not improve motivation. What motivates people is the work itself. The motivation factors for employees include responsibility, self-actualization, growth, recognition etc.
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs - there are various levels of needs for an employee. When a lower level is met, employee attempts to reach the next higher level. The maximum satisfaction is achieved when the employee reaches the highest level of satisfaction - self-fulfillment. These level of needs from the highest to lowest are -
  • Self-fulfillment
  • Esteem
  • Social
  • Safety
  • Physiology

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